Fractal World

Background and Current News

Ever since Mike did his computer science presentation on fractals we've been playing around with them and since the end half of that year we have a fractal generator for Windows (made in Delphi). We had to rewrite it because it was originally designed in Delphi 2 which is completely incompatible with Delphi 3. Finally we added some stuff like translucency and neat palette stuff.

August 25 2000
I found a few errors on this page but they should be gone now. I'm still looking for fractal code but if I don't see it soon I might try to remake it.
August 20 2000
Just moved the fractal program from my old site to my new site (this site). Have to rewrite some of the background (However I just copied the revision history right out of the old site) but the program itself hasn't changed since December for a very good reason: I lost the source code. However Mike says he might have a copy which is good because it could really use some enhancements (it still runs fine but there are a couple of irritating things). Also while I'm writing the rest of this page I realize how useful it would be to have a manual or a help file so I'll probably get that done sometime.
December 31 1999
- revised fractal program based on feedback from Eugene - fractal program now operates in the background and catches some incorrect input
December 25 1999
- fixed a small bug in fractal program - posted a screen shot of revised fractal program
December 24 1999
- combined both fractal generators (were actually the same program just had to clean it up) - posted revised fractal program
Later on December 23 1999
- realized that the IFS and Julia fractal generators were mixed up
December 23 1999
-added Fractals in an incomplete state

The Program

Ok you can download the program (unfortunately not the source code, not because I don't want to distribute it but because I lost it) here (244K). Currently you can generate IFS and Julia fractals (use the generate button, you should probably pick a preset since you don't know what to enter in the fields). You can (and must) create a random pallette which smooths out colors (but it sometimes gets annoying). When saving you have to type in .BMP after the filename yourself.